Home / Civil War Genealogy / South Carolina / 8th South Carolina Infantry
8th South Carolina InfantryCSA Flag
Company Unknown
Henry Brown
- Musician
A free-born Black man,Henry 'Dad' Brown a musician for the 8th & 21st South Carolina Regiments. He's listed on the muster roll like any other soldier. It's stated ' Colored ' on his service file. His record has a pay receipt showing he was paid $12.00 dollars a month.
Contact Name: Glenn Land
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Date Added: 7/4/2014

Company Unknown
Samuel McFadden Gregg
Rank Unknown
Samuel McFadden Gregg was my great great uncle. Killed November 18, 1863. His parents were Amelia Blanche Gregg Brown and Charles Brown.
Contact Name: Roland Austin McIntosh
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Date Added: 1/19/2008

Company A
James Joseph Garrison
- Private
James was born in Orange Co. North Carolina. He was 36 years old when he enlisted at Darlington, Darlington Co SC in Capt A G Howle's Co. South Carolina Vol's. on 13 April 1861. His regiment is assigned to General Kershaw's Brigade. Engaged in Battle at 1st Manassas, Yorktown Siege and Williamsburg. James health deteriorated and he was discharged for ill health on 21st May 1862. He is paid $51.40 cents. He died 9 Jul 1898 in Swift Creek, Darlington Co. SC. He was the father in law of my 2nd cousin 4 x removed .
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 11/23/2019

Company A
Moses Elmer Huggins
- Private
My 2nd great grand uncle. His brother George Martin Huggins my 2nd great grandfather served in Florida 10th Infantry Co F. He surrendered at Appomattox with Army of Northern Virginia.
Contact Name: Wayne M Prevatt
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Date Added: 4/5/2013

Company A
Moses E. Huggins
- Private
Records I have show Moses Huggins(my ggf)entered service April 11, 1861 and captured Sept. 13, 1864 at Winchester, Va., by Sheridan's forces,released from Camp Chase, Ohio, June 11, 1865. Died 9 May, 1909, Hood Co., Texas.
Contact Name: Hilton Robinson
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Date Added: 3/15/2009

Company A
Aaron James Joye
- Private
Aaron was born in Williamsburg Co SC in Jan 1838. He enlisted at Darlington Co. SC 27 May 1861. His Regiment was sent to Virginia. His service was short lived as he suffered from severe medical problems. 21 July 1861 he is a patient with Measles at CSA Hosp. at Charlottesville, Va and is discharged and returned to duty 13 Aug. He is still sick and was sent back to the hospital on 30 Sept. He has Chronic Opthalmia and his vision is not expected to improve. He is discharged 6 Jan 1861. He died 27 Aug 1884 in Scranton, Florence Co. SC
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 5/4/2021

Company A
Eli Odom
- 1st Lieutenant
Eli served with the 8th from April 1861 until to early 1862, when he was granted a medical discharge due to being incapacitated by typhoid.
Contact Name: Hugh Odom
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Date Added: 1/20/2009

Company A
Thomas James Sexton
- Private
Thomas was 50 years old when he enlisted. Mustered in at Flint Hill Virginia. In hospital from 7 Nov 1861 to April 1862 for measles. He was readmitted [convalescent] on 14 April and returned to duty 8 May 1862. He was in Capt. Hull's Company. He survived the war and died in Dawson, Navarro County Texas on 13 Sept. 1894. Thomas was the husband of my 3rd cousin 4x removed. Mary Ann D Thomas.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 7/9/2016

Company B
Allen DeWitt Chapman
- Private
Allen was born in Cheraw District of South Carolina 1 April 1814. He has 7 items in his archival file. He enlisted 18 May 1861 at Chesterfield, South Carolina for 12 months. He is 44 years old. After moving to Virginia, he is in the fight at 1st Manassas. On 11 Dec 1961 he is sent to the hospital and did not return to duty until 22 June 1862.
His condition was such that he was discharged on 8 July 1862. He was 45 years old.

He died in 1891 and is buried in the Chapman family cemetery which is near Cheraw, SC.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 7/29/2024

Company B
thomas a dees
Rank Unknown
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Contact Name: steve deese
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Date Added: 5/29/2009

Company B
J A Mcbride
- Private
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Contact Name: J. Costantino
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Date Added: 3/24/2018

Company B
Peter Arnold Moore
- 2nd Lieutenant
Peter Was born 20 Dec 1838 in Chesterfield, Chesterfield Court House Township. South Carolina. He enlisted as a Pvt. at Florence SC on 13 April 1861. He served in Kennedy and Conner's Brigade, Kershaw's Division, Longstreet's Corps. Army of Northern Virginia. He is elected on the battle field as 2nd Lieut. on 14 Jan 1862. Battles: 1st Manassas, Malvern Hill, Harpers Ferry, Fredricksburg, Sharpsburg, Spotsylvania, North Anna, Chickaumaga, Cold Harbor and in total 23 major battles and numerous skirmishes. He married Katherine Rebecca Hinson and moved to Celina , Collin Co. Texas. He died 15 Oct 1915 and is buried in the Old Celina Cem. is same county. We are related by marriage.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 10/11/2021

Company C
Henry Alexander Blue
- 2nd Sergeant
Henry was 20 years old from Chesterfield District, SC. He enlisted at Cheraw, in that district on 14 April 1861. His unit moved to Virginia and his unit was engaged at 1st Manassas, however he was sick in hospital. He was given a sick furlough and died in Richmond Va. on his way home. He was single so his father filed for Settlement Certificate. It was for $76.00 Certificate # 6854. He has a CSA stone at Hollywood Cem. Richmond City Va.
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 8/11/2019

Company C
Allen G Chapman
- Private
Allen was age 20 when he enlisted at Cheraw, Chesterfield Co. SC on13 Apr 1861. Enlisted by W H Coit for 1 year. He was engaged at he 1st battle of Manassas, Va. 21 July 1861. 12 August finds him in the hospital at Orange Co Va. with Typhoid Fever from which he did not fully recover. He was discharged as being unfit for service on 13 Dec 1861 and paid $145.50cents on 11 Jan 1862. No record is know to exist after this data we do not know if he made it home...
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 8/10/2019

Company C
James Alexander Lisk
- Private
This is based on research and information from relatives. Enlisted at age 18, on May 26,1861 in Cheraw, SC. Hospitalized in Petersburg, VA on April 19, 1862. This information was found in the 'Register of Payments' dated July 4, 1864.
Contact Name: Jeff Lisk
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Date Added: 5/29/2009

Company D
John Simpson Miller
- Major
This is my 4th Great Grandfather.

John Simpson Miller was the original Captain of Company D of the 8th SC Regiment, but resigned that position on or about November 15, 1861. He served the remainder of the War as the Major for that Regiment under General Wade Hampton.

One of the wealthiest men of his area of the county, his personal home still stands and is the second oldest house in present day Jefferson, South Carolina. He and his wife are buried in the Miller Family Cemetery in Jefferson.
Contact Name: Jeremy Vice
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Date Added: 7/9/2008

Company E
Henry Lazarus Morris
- Private
Henry was born18 May 1842 in Timmonsville, Florence County, SC. He enlisted 13 April 1861 at Timmonsville in Co E 8th SC Infantry aka "Timmonsville Minute Men". His first battle was 1st Manassas. In Oct. 1862 he is assigned extra duty with the Pioneer Corps. Note to researchers', after 40 years of Confederate research this is my first encounter with this Corps. Each division of the army had one company-sized group of men of about 28 and one junior officer These men provided pre and post battle construction duties, buried the dead, removal of fences and obstructions on the battlefield. The entire Army of Northern Virginia had about 250 men and 9 officers. At Gettysburg Henry is listed on duty with McLaws Division. 23 May 1863 he is a patient at Chimborazo Hosp #5 at Richmond suffering from Acute Rheumatism. On 5 March 1864 he is assigned as a baggage train guard and ends his service as such. He became a very successful businessman in Ocala Florida dealing in Turpentine and so much, so folks began referring to him as Colonel. His Obit listed him as Col. He died 18 March 1896 in Ocala, Fla. and his body was returned to his place of birth and rests beside his wife in the Byrd Cem. Timmonsville, Darlington Co. SC. He is the father-in-law of my cousin.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 1/2/2023

Company E
David R. Barefoot
- Private
Service record unknown... his grandfather Newitt Barefoot served under Capt. Ely Kershaw, William 'Danger' Thompson's Brigade in the Revolution, and his g-grandfather George Barefoot served in the SC Militia during the '96 District/Congarees Indian Campaign 1751. Newitt's brother William Barefoot is my 5th g-grandfather.
Contact Name: Jethro Lilley
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Date Added: 8/12/2010

Company E
John Shelton Courtney
- Private
John was born in 1844 in Darlington Co. SC He was about 17 when he enlisted on 13 April 1861 at Timmonsville, SC for 12 months. He wound up for the entire war. His first fight was at 1st Manassas 21 July 1861 and his last was at Bentonville SC 19-21 of 1865. As far as his records go he has 21 pages. He was plagued with gastrointestinal problems and was given two sick furloughs during his service. in Feb 1864 he is sent on recruiting duty for his company. He served in Kershaw's Brigade. After the war he returned to a devastated county which was deep in debt. The yellow belly's had bled the place dry and departed in 1877. There was an incident in a store and the clerk shot him on 18 Oct 1880 and he died 2 days later. He was the father in law of my 1st cousin 3 x removed. He is buried at Elim Baptist Ch. in Effingham, Florence Co. SC
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 6/23/2021

Company E
Isaiah Jefferson McKay
- Private
Isaiah J. McKay died age 26 on 5 Aug 1862 in Richmond,Va. of Typhoid Fever. Sources, ROH, JR. in the book BROKEN FORTUNES by Randolph W. Kirkland,Jr. He is also listed in The ROLL OF THE DEAD, South Carolina Troops, Confedrate States Service. His name in The Roll OF THE DEAD is listed as Isaiah Jefferson Kay. He is the brother of Jacob Madison McKay and Burwell D. McKay. Isaiah's grave is unknown and I would love some help finding it.
Contact Name: LaGrand McKay
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Date Added: 8/23/2011

Company E
Jacob Madison McKay
- Private
Jacob M. McKay was also known as Jacob M. McCoy. Jacob enlisted 13 April 1861. He was captured 8 May 1864 at Spotsylvania, Va. and sent to Belle Plains,Va. and on to Fort Delaware, Delaware, he arrived 21 May 1864. He was released 10 June 1865. He is buried in Timmonsville, South Carolina in The McKay Cemetery, Florence County.
His picture and grave marker can be viewed on findagrave.com
Contact Name: LaGrand McKay
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Date Added: 8/23/2011

Company E
George Pawley Pearce
- Private
I am thankul to my GGGrandfather and what he did. I would love to make a book on the 8th SC Inf. How can I do it thanks.
Contact Name: Steven P Pearce
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Date Added: 1/11/2006

Company F
James Edwin Bass
- Captain
James was born in Swift Creek Township, Located South of Hartsville, Darlington County SC on 11 Oct 1840. He was 22 y/o when he enlisted on 13 April 1862 at The Court House in Darlington, SC. in Co. F 8th SC Infantry as a Pvt. He rose thru the ranks to 3rd Lt, 2nd Lt, 1st Lt, and then to Captain on 8 Oct 1863 and taking command of his company. He has 57 items in his archival file. He fought in over 24 major battles having been wounded twice, 1st as a 3rd Lt at Sharpsburg leading his troops on 17 Sept 1862 and again as a Captain on 3 Sept 1864 at Berryville, Va. which disabled him. He served in Major J.B. Kershaw's Division, 1st Corps, Army of Northern Va. Connor's Brigade. Some of his battles: 1st Manassas, Seven Days, Malvern Hill, Gettysburg, Cold Harbor, Chattanooga, Fredericksburg, He is the father-in-law of my 2nc cousin 4x removed. He died 15 Feb 1907 at his home and is buried in the Swift Creek Cem.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 1/1/2023

Company F
David Mason Byrd
- 1st Sergeant
David was born on 18 May 1840. The son of Matthew W. Byrd and Catherine Mason. He was 21 years old when he enlisted for one year at Darlington SC. In Co, F. 8th S.C. Infantry.
He would reenlist at Manassas Va. on 9 Feb. 1862. David's file of 40 CMR and Register cards find him sick and in hospital for much of his time. He was wounded at Masannas.Captured and exchanged. Wounded and captured again on the 4th of July at Gettysburg. Jan 1864 he is back in his company. He is promoted to Sgt in Company M. in June 1864. In the hospital with chronic diarrhea. 19 Sept. Appears on a role of POW's captured at Winchester, Va. Transferred to Point Lookout. Exchanged 10 Feb. 1865. He is still suffering from chronic diarrhea. He is at Jackson Hospital in Richmond. He is given a 60 day furlough to home to recover. The war ended soon thereafter.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 11/25/2013

Company F
George F. Byrd
- Private
George enlisted at age 24 on 20 March 1862 in Darlington,SC in Capt. T.E. Howle's Company 8th Reg't SC Vol's. Which became Company F. 8th SC Infantry Reg't. He also served in Co. M of this unit. George was sick for most of his service time and spent two months at home of sick furlough. Again he was in and out of the Hospitals in Va. with fever. He died of Pneumonia on 12 April 1863 at Chimborazo Hospital #5 at Richmond Va.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 11/24/2013

Company F
William Elias Flowers
- Private
William was born 12 Feb 1844 in Darlington Co. SC. He enlisted in Capt. T.E. Howle's Co SC Vols. 19 March 1862 at the County Court House. He was 18 years old and enlisted for 2 years or the war. He has 19 cards in his archival file. [also later served in Co. M] He fought in most of the major battles including Richmond, Maryland Heights, Sharpsburg, & Gettysburg. He was captured on 13 Sept 1864 on the Berryville and Winchester Pike near Opequah Creek, Va. He escaped and was re-captured at Harper's Ferry on 19 Sep 1864 and sent to the Union Military Prison at Champ Chase, Ohio. He was released on 2 May 1865 and walked home. His two brothers Cyrus and Mathis served with him. His Co Commander Capt. T. H. Howell died in battle leading his troops at Dunkard's Church. William is buried at Swift Creek Baptist Church, Darlington Co. SC. He was the Father in Law of my 3rd cousin 2 x removed.
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 12/26/2019

Company F
Evander Gandy McIver Griffin
- Captain
Evander was born 26 June 1827 in Darlington County. SC. He enlisted as a Pvt in Darlington 13 April 1861. He has 23 items in his archival file. On 5 Dec 1862 he is promoted to 2nd Lieut. and was assigned to the Regimental Commissary. In Feb 1863 he is promoted to Captain. Assigned to General Kershaw's Kennedy's and Conners Brigade. His regiment's first fight was as 1st Manassas, known in the South as "The Great Skedaddle". Then in another 30 battles from the afore mentioned to Bentonville, SC to include Cold Harbor, Sharpsburg, Chancellorsville, Noth Anna, Cedar Creek and many others. He died 5 Feb 1896 in Darlington and is buried in that county as the Welsh Neck Baptist Church in Society Hill. He was the father-in-law of my 2nd cousin 3 x removed.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 1/6/2024

Company F
Joseph John Haselden
- Corporal
Joseph was born in 1835 in Darlington Co. SC. He has 13 items in his archival file. He enlisted at Darlington, SC on 13 April 1861 in Co F Capt. A.G. Howle's Company 8th SC Infantry. On 21 July 1861 in his first battle at 1st Manassas he was shot in the knee by a mini ball. It was a severe injury, and he was discharged 22 Dec 1861 with permanent disability. It was a resounding Confederate victory and is still known as the [ great skedaddle] when the yanks broke rank and ran for the hills. After the war he is found in 1870 working as a carpenter in Charleston, SC. He married and fathered at least two children. In 1880 he is back in Darlington County. I have not found a date of death nor his grave. The search continues.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 12/28/2023

Company F
William Thomas Hill
- Private
William Was born Oct 1839 in the Swift Creek Twp, Darlington Co. SC. In 1860 he is listed as 21 years old on the 1860 census. He enlisted 19 Mar 1862 at the Darlington Co. Court House for 2 years or the war. He is paid $50 bounty. He joined his regiment at Richmond Va. on 1 April. He was in Capt. T.E. Howle's Company, Kershaw's Brigade. 13 Dec 1863 he is wounded in the battle of Bean Station during the Knoxville Campaign in Tenn. In June 1864 he is sick in the hospital at Columbia. He like many others suffered from acute gastrointestinal distress due to poor diet and bad water. His regiment fought in 27 major battles including Seven Days, Savage Station, Malvern Hill, Sharpsburg, Gettysburg and ended at Bentonville NC. We are related by marriage. He died 3 Oct 1919 at Lamar, Darlington Co. SC and is buried in the Antioch Baptist Church in that county.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 6/1/2024

Company F
Mercer Lafayette Kervin
- Private
Mercer was a 32-year-old farmer from Darlington Co. SC. He enlisted at Darlington on 20 March 1862 in Capt. T.E Howle's Co. 8th SC Vol's. He served in Co's F & M. He Has 3 cards on his archival file but his wife's file in settling his death is huge. He was a patient in the regimental hospital at Gordonville, Va. on 4 Feb 1863 and died on the 10th of Feb. probably of disease. He enlisted 20 Mar 1862 and mustered in Richmond. Battles, 1st Manassas, aka [ the great skedaddle ] Yorktown Siege, Williamsburg, Seven Days, Savage's Station, Malvern Hill, Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, Sharpsburg aka Antietam, and Fredericksburg 0n 13 Dec 1862. He served under General Kershaw, Kennedy and Conners Brigades. His wife filed for settlement on 9 June 1863 and the final settlement was for $97. 34 Cents. settled on 24 Oct 1864. He was the husband of my cousin Margaret Elizabeth Howle. He is buried in a mass grave in the aforementioned hospital.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 10/3/2014

Company F
James Joseph Drayton McCown
- Private
James was born 15 Aprill 1830 in Darlington Co. SC. He enlisted at the Darlington Court House for two years or the war on 19 March 1862 and is paid his $50 bonus. Enlisting in Capt. T.E. Howle's Co. His obit states it was Capt. W. H. Evan's Company. He has 5 cards in his archival file. Served with Kershaw's Brigade, Longstreet's Corps. The 8th SC fought in some 30 major battles, from the 1st Battle of Bull Run thru the last battle of Bentonville, SC. He died 24 Feb 1901 and is buried at Mount Hope Cem. Florence, Florence Co. SC. He is in my Ancestry tree as a distant relative by marriage.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 5/26/2022

Company F
James Henry Privette Sr.
- Sergeant
James was born 22 Sept 1829 in North Carolina. The 1860 census has him in Darlington Co. SC. He is 33 years old when he enlists at Chesterfield C.H. Chesterfield Co. SC in Capt. T.E. Howles' Co. 8th SC Infantry. Enlisted 18 March 1862 and mustered at Richmond Va. 1 April of same year. He has 22 cards in his archival file. 18 Dec. slightly wounded at Fredericksburg, Va. He is with Mclaws Division. 10 Feb 1863 he is on furlough. 18 Dec 1864 his is on wounded furlough having been wounded at Petersburg. ON 13 Sept. He is taken POW near Opequan Creek, near Winchester, Va. and sent to Harpers Ferry and on to Camp Chase in Ohio. He is released at the close of the war and is send South down the Mississippi river to Vicksburg. On 27 May 1865 he is admitted to the US hospital No 2 at Vicksburg under guard of the Marine Barracks. He is suffering from chronic diarrhea. He is released 31 May 1865. He died 10 May 1907 in Hartsville, Darlington Co. SC and is buried in the First Baptist Church cemetery. He was the father-in-law of my 2nd cousin 4 x removed.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 12/1/2022

Company F
Benjamin Franklin Smoot
- Private
Benjamin Franklin Smoot was 21 years old when he enlisted at Darlington, Darlington Co. SC in Capt. T E Howle's Co. SC Vols. This became Co F 8th Regt. SC Inf. He enlisted on 28 March 1862 for two years or the war. Toward the end of the war when the units were depleted. The 8th and 3rd Regiments were consolidated to form the New 3rd SC Infantry Regt. Benjamine in now found in Co M of the 8th. There are 11 cards on file for Benjamin. The last dated Feb. 1864. Remarks: On furlough since returned. Note to researchers. There is another Benjamin Franklin Smoot as a Pvt in Co. B 9th Regt. Va. Infantry. not ours
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 3/18/2015

Company F
John William Maloy Wilks
- Sergeant
John W. M. Wilks enlisted 13 April 1861 at Florence, Darlington Co. SC. by Capt. Evans. He was with Kershaw's Brigade. He was captured on the Berryville & Winchester Pike. near Opeguan Creek re: Battle of Cedar Creek on 13 Sept. 1864. He died of pnenmonia 19 Dec. 1864 at Camp Chase, Columbus,Franklin Co. Ohio. Grave # 633
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 6/24/2014

Company G
Robert J David
- 4th Corporal
Robert was born Abt 1840 in Marlboro Co. SC. The P.O. was at Bennettsville. He has 17 items in his archival file. He was conscripted at Bennettsville, Marlboro Co. SC 13 April 1861 into Co G 8th SC Infantry commanded by Capt. John E. Harrington. He enlisted as Pvt. and appointed to rank of 4th Sgt. in July of 1862. Battles: 1st Manassas, Yorktown Siege, Williamsburg, Seven Days, Savage's Station, Malvern Hill, Harpers Ferry, South Mountain, Sharpsburg, and While defending Myers Heights at the battle of Fredericksburg he suffered a severe gunshot wound to his leg. He was suffering from Typhoid Fever at the time. When admitted to the Richmond Hosp # 18 at Richmond he was in such bad shape the surgeon decided not to operate on his leg and he died 14 Jan 1863 of wound complications and Typhoid Fever. He was serving with Kershaw's Brigade, Mclaws's Division. His grave is unknown but supposed to be in a cemetery in the area of his death.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 1/19/2023

Company G
Cary Judson Thomas
- Private
Cary was just shy of 17 when he enlisted in Marlboro County SC on 13 April 1861. Enlisted by Capt Harrington. In July he is sick in the hospital in Richmondm Va. He is discharged viz the Conscription Act for being under 18 years old. He is paid $58.00 and sent home. His Cover CMR remarks: See Battalion S. C.Cadets. This was a local defense force formed to defend Charleston.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 5/25/2015

Company K
Jefferson J Hays
- Private
My GG-Grandfather. Wounded and captured at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863. Spent a year in POW camp.
Contact Name: Carl Hayes
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Date Added: 9/4/2011

Company K
Franklin S Manning
- Captain
Franklin was born in Marlboro Co SC 29 Dec 1841 He enlisted in the adjoining county of Chesterfield, in Chesterfield Court House District on 13 April 1861. Entered as Bvt. Lieut and promoted to Captain on 13 May 1862. He was wounded in the 3 day fight at Harper's Ferry 12 - 15 Sept 1862. Wounded on the 13th and captured on the 16th. Sent to Fort Monroe for exchange. He never recovered and was retired 24 Jan 1865. He served in Conners Brigade, Kershaw's Division, Longstreet's Corps. He has 49 items in his archival file. Battles: 1st Manassas, Yorktown siege, Williamsburg, Seven Days battle, Savage's Station and finally at Maryland Heights where he was wounded and captured. He married my distant cousin Clarissa Ann Covington in 1863. They are buried at Hebron Cem. Clio, Marlboro Co. SC
Contact Name: phillip thomas
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Date Added: 8/1/2020

Company M
William F. Byrd
- Private
William was 37 years old when he joined Capt. T.E.Howle's Company 8th Reg't SC Vol's. He enlisted on 24 March 1862 at Darlington, SC. He mustered in with his unit Co.M 8th SC Infantry at Richmond on 1 April, 1862 He was suffering from acute diarrhea and admitted to the hospital and sent home on sick furlough. He rejoied his unit and he was wounded and captured on 18 Dec 1863 at Knoxville, Tenn. He was sent to Camp Chase Ohio and transferred to the POW Prison at Rock Island Illinois, he died there of variola [smallpox] on 12 Feb. 1864. He is buried just south of the Barracks in grave #446
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 11/30/2013

Company M
James Furman Howle
- 1st Lieutenant
James enlisted on 13 April 1861 at Darlington, SC for 12 months. Sworn in as a Private by Capt. Evans. He was elected to the rank of 2nd Lt. of Co. M 8th Regiment SC Infantry. Name of his successor was Joshua Smoot. James takes his unit from Manassas battlefield to Knoxvile, Tenn. and is wounded at Knoxville on Nov. 18th 1863. He is sent home and never recovered enough to rejoin his unit. He applied for retirment with effective date of his injury at Knoxville. An Inspection report on Nov. 28,1864 notes that 1st Lt. J.F. Howle Co.M 8th Regt. Sc Vo;'s of Conner's Brigade, Kershaw's Division , commanded by Col. John D. Kennedy now near Richmond Va. is at home in Society Hill, SC disabled , a fit subject for retirement.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 10/5/2013

Company M
Richard Fuller Howle
- 4th Corporal
Richard joined his Brothers Company on 20 March at Darlington. Co. M 8th SC Infantry. He was 18 and sworn in by his brother Capt. T. E Howle. Mustered in at Richmond Va. on 20 Mar. 1862. He was wounded on 2 July 1863 at the battle of Gettysburg. He is now at home on Furlough since Aug. 15. His diagonsis was VS, Vul:Sclopt, leg, flesh wound. He is with Kershaw's Brigade , 3rd Division. Sept thru Dec. 1863 finds him stll home on wounded fulough. Jan thru June 1864 finds him with his unit and he is promoted to Corpl. Roll of Prisoners dated 13 Sept 1864. He was captured near Berryville and Winchester Pike near Opequan Creek. He was sent to Camp Chase on Sept 19th 1864. He was paroled on 2 May 1865. His card reads Paroled at Camp Chase via New Orleans for exchange
. A footnote on this card states that 438 Confederate POW's were received at Vicksburg from Camp Chase on May 12 1865.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 10/4/2013

Company M
Thomas E Howle
- Captain
Thomas was elected as Commander on 13 April 1861. His unit was formed on that day and was called the Darlington Grays. He was then a 1st Lt.in Co F. After 1st Manassas he returned home on a 45 day furlough to raise another unit. [per act of the Confederate Congress] He was able to enlist 85/90 men and return to Va. with him. These men became Co. M. 8th SC Infantry. Capt T. E. Howle was killed while leading his men in battle near the Dunker Church at Sharpsburg. After the war his brothers who served in the same unit returned his body to be buried in the old Black Creek Cemetery of North Darlington, SC. The Pee Dee Rifles Camp still maintains his grave. His brothers who were in his unit were James Furman and Richard Fuller Howle. W. C Coker assumed command of the company on the death of T.E. howle on 17 Sept. 1862. He had been promoted to Capt effective 28 Nov. 1861. He appears on a Report of Commission officers of that Regt. 8th Regt. SC Infantry in obedience to General Order # 82. This report dated 17 Dec. 1861 at Camp Bonham near Centerville. This G.O has not been researched by me.
Contact Name: Phillip Thomas
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Date Added: 10/4/2013

Company M
james henry privett
- Private
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Contact Name: christine humphrey
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Date Added: 2/12/2013

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